As much as I know, is as much as I don't know and is as much as I want to find out. As I strap on my "sneakers", holding on to the "touchstone" in my pocket, getting ready to "jump on the magic carpet of life', I am reminded of what life is "truly all about".
As I walk on through to "the other side", taking a giant leap of faith, with some "key life and leadership lessons learned", I reflect, what is visionary leadership and what does that look and feel like?
"Diversity is our strength" PM of Canada Justin Trudeau. Screw it! Let's do it! -- These are the words of 21st century inspired leadership. Richard Branson. "How do we inspire greatness in others if we do not first demand it of ourselves"? Nelson Mandela
We must teach by the clarity of our example, but, do words truly teach or do we learn through life experience? Can we grow up in a contradictory world where it is not ok to make mistakes but making mistakes is how we learn? Can we be forgiven for our "sins" of the past? Can we re-write our history and change the trajectory of the course of the future?
I am inspired by great leadership. A great leader can make or break an environment. Let us go back and reflect on the visionary leadership of those whom have come before us. This was a time when cultures of honor, respect and "dignity" were promoted. A time when you just "had a guy's back because it was the right thing to was a time when morals superseded over capitalism".

Love, respect, bravery, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. These were the values practiced by leaders of the long distant past where progress was not "at the expense" of humans, rather, progress was for the creation of "democratic" societies. Values practiced by those who had little in hopes of the development of a progressive future.
What is democracy in the 21st century? What does visionary leadership look like in the 21st century? How do we inspire cultures of success and responsibility in the youth of today, for it will be the children of today, who are operating our societies of tomorrow?
As a free citizen of the world, pondering the"elements, influences and indicators of "culture" impacting the collective. Does free speech exist when I have to book a time on the "hill" to practice my "fundamental" right to free speech and free thought? Can we "re-write our history" , "take responsibility" and "heal the wounds of the past"?
Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, half a league, half a league onward, forward the light brigade, was there a man as dismayed- "theirs but to do and die, into the valley of death rode the six hundred". John Harrington stated, "treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? Why, when it prospers, none dare call it treason. What is the reason for war? Who benefits? Does the human cost of "war" have to be so high? If we are fighting for democracy, where is it?
I met a wise "Irish lady" when I lived abroad in the east and she used to state, "the men make the rules of this land and the women keep them". As a "global citizen" of the free world, I ask leadership all around the globe to please define democracy for me and tell me what it is that you are fighting for?
I just lived in an environment where it was illegal for me to "eat bacon, "drink alcoholic beverages and have a man in my house". Women just got the "right to drive" themselves in a car from point a to b. Seriously, it is the 21st century. What is the point of war? Is it for the creation of democratic societies or is it to sustain economies for resources and oil?
As an educator and one who loves God as much as the next person, what do I tell those children who ask me, "is it as bad as they say over there"? What is really going on? Are these people as crazy as we are told? I ask myself seeking the solutions to those questions, after living for 15 years in an environment that has been "tempered by the hand of war for years and years and years, is it honorable to die on a battle field or on oil field"?
How do I answer this question from my students honestly knowing that my "post man" in the east lost his cousin in the market place as he was blown up when he went to get some milk for the family and never came home? What do I say to that? Do I speak the truth or do I avoid the question?
What is a man or woman of honor and what is the "fight about"? What defines true honor? As a social justice advocate, "it is my body and it is my right to choose what goes into it" and that includes the right to choose the thoughts of any book that I choose to read. It is not the right of any governing power to "control" access to the "media". Nor is it the right of any "religious" book to determine the trajectory of an entire country.
Does separation of church and "state" exist in the 21st century?

In order to make change, one needs to self reflect on the impact of historical choices to ensure that "history does not repeat in the future". One cannot move forward with their eyes constantly focused on "the past". To reach "absolution" we must make peace with the past to live in the present and ensure a successful future.
Let us handle all of society, as "people", removing labels, income, nationality, race, sex, and all of the other labels that "society" has placed among us to "separate" us all into "us vs them". Assuming that we are all classified as "humans", all with heads, bodies, arms, legs, and the like, what are the common skills that we all require for life success?
What values do we promote as a whole that would envelop the love of our fellow mankind? Visionary leadership appeals to the collective "identity". One level of society impacts another and this thought, impacts the "outcomes" in today's classrooms and in today's societies.
What is the honor code of your "hood"? Do you unite? Do you divide? Are you open or closed? What do you truly value? Where do your values come from? What moves you forward and what inspires you to make the positive or negative choices that you do?
Leadership determines the "culture" of practice in any environment. Lead. motivate, inspire or "get out of the way". 'Cowboy up or go sit in the truck", "10 - 4 breaker 1-9, "fit in or fu&^ off", "welcome to our community", "ahlan wa sahlan", what tone are you setting? It resonates from the tone within you.

Tune into joy!
Shelley D. Chuchmuch B.ED, MAED, (Ph.D) TBA
ABC-IQ The Currnie Chuchmuch Foundation INC.
311 Main Street Box 26 Angusville, Manitoba Canada R0J 0A0
Ph) 204 - 773 - 2258
WhatsApp) 204 - 442 - 0564
Shelley D. Chuchmuch is an education / leadership consultant providing Mind Science seminars and training to the private, non profit and governmental industries. Shelley travels nationally and internationally providing leadership training and policy analysis services.