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Do words teach or do we learn through life experience? What is your jihad? Your strife?

Writer's picture: ABC-IQ Corp. ABC-IQ Corp.

There are common skills that are applied to all that make us "who we are". However, how do we truly solidify knowledge in the mind? Is it the thought that we remember or is it how we felt when we reflected on the experience? What role do emotions play in the solidification of knowledge?

Do you remember what happy feels like? What was your happiest day? Moment?

Focus on the jihad brings more Jihad - Arabic translation - strife - What is your jihad? Everyone at one point or another has experienced pain, suffering, turmoil and maybe injustice. However, if you greet one another with a handshake, fist bump, kiss on the forehead, cheek, or "high five hello", we all think, feel, have emotions and,,,, we all get a little "ripped off".

Sh(*, &())&^^, p(*, f(*&.........

Some have managed that "explosive" energy by leading with the right or maybe lipped off the wrong person and shot "thunderbolts" from the tongue. The "guidance" within us, sends us a very powerful message telling one to take note.

It is a mechanism which supports one with the "protective" instinct to protect the safety of "what is rightfully yours". Your safety, your "Intuition" that either will protect you through the most powerful of battles and it will "steer" you in the right direction. If you trust in it.

Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones. While you were busy judging others, "oops" you left your closet door wide open and a bunch of skeletons fell out. What comes up is surely set to come back down.

One never knows what another is facing until they really scratch below the surface to get to the root cause of the issue that is causing pain. This is not something that is in the hands of "a being" outside of ones' self. This is the powerful message from the "being" in which most are ignoring.

Allah = Energy = Emotion = Energy from the earth -- operating you....what energy is operating from "you"? Thank you Allah - gratitude = prosperity = more. Thought is a choice. Behavior is "conscious" reaction based on the "thought" and "emotions" felt in the moment.

"The spark charge exploding in the chest will send the message, yes, or no! TAKE NOTE. JOY, love, knowledge, appreciation and gratitude set the feeling / emotion standard. This is the point of referent for all experience in the great circle life. "The wolf in sheep's clothing is inside of all of us".

What is your strife? Your jihad? Allah "Akbar"? What is Allah and how do we teach the "joy" of knowing and feeling "Allah" or the 99 other names that ones calls "God" to our "children" who need to understand the power force of "energy". #IAM #EME2

How do we utilize this most powerful force within all of us for the common good?

Children are our greatest teachers. What happens to the little one's when they grow up? What types of cultures are being inspired in your environments? Honor, integrity, responsibility, truth, love, humility or well....let's not go there....Perhaps it is time to speak of peace.



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