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E=ME2 - A Unified Theory Resonance - Einstein, Hawking

Shelley D. Chuchmuch

"I have seen further and it has been by standing on the shoulders of giants". Isaac Newton

The law of attraction states, that which is like unto itself is drawn. What is the law of attraction? What is energy? What is e=me2? What is the singularity and where does that "resonance" come from?

What one gives out....comes back...every both polarities positive and negative. "I love you so much but sometimes...I want to punch you in the face!

Can we love unconditionally? Is it possible? What does that kind of love feel like? The love that some parents feel for their children? The powerful energy that one feels when people "lift cars", "the power of the "force".

What is the singularity? How far can that powerful love, knowledge, empowerment, appreciation energy reach? Can we measure it? How did that thought make you feel?

Dr. Stephen Hawking transitioned today joining Albert Einstein, who, admittedly was also born on this day, March 14, 2018. These men are taking up rental space inside my head. What is that about and what does that have to do with the law of attraction and you?

The can clip a hedge......or it can sing with the sweetness of honey. It depends on the thoughts that you are thinking and the "emotions" you are feeling...what is making your heart sing? What do you stand for? Why does one have emotions and what do they mean?

The Law of Attraction. What you think..and what you feel...and what happens all around always a match every time...."Every thought is the equivalent to a "big bang", Esther Hicks - The Teachings of Abraham -

What is time? Thought in motion eternally --

Veritas - Latin translation - Truth - Vibration Energy Reading Intuition Truth's Accurate Sensor -

Original Video - Copyright Standard Publicity PVT Limited - Utilized for research display only

Everything is connected in the great circle of life.........there is no death...only the positive evolution of life! Humans are "energy". We are infinite.....unfinished.....and unwritten......

E=ME2 --Thought energy of the mind and heart center emotion creates the "singularity" energy which further operates the universe.

This is what I have come to understand from reading the "most popular" books.....

You are energy....everything else that happens to you is a result of 'culture".

What tunes are you singing in the privacy of your own mind? The songs where you are trying to take over the world or the songs where you are losing the farm? Focus on what makes your heart sing? What makes you want to "dance" with joy? What do you stand for?

Why do you believe what you believe?

Do you remember what happiness felt like? This sets your standard for "every subject area in your life".

Remember the feeling.....for that is your truth...that feeling inside of your chest...your "intuition", that all powerful knowing...."do not ignore that feeling or push it away"....negative energy is designed to be expelled from the body....

The body vessel is a positive "networked unit".

Tears can heal....and tears can destroy...what tunes are you playing out in the privacy of your own mind?

You create the singularity through thoughts and emotions...choose your thoughts wisely...

The universe always answers with a YES.

Be happy....have fun....tune your body into joy..AND Sing...

JOY... :-)

(c)2018. All Rights Reserved. Author releases copyright on YouTube videos.


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