1. Can free speech and free thought, the foundations of all education systems on the planet, be taught in societies that are not free?
2. Are education systems around the planet meeting the learning requirements of all children?
3. What is the "vision for foreign policy" of our "global leadership"? As free citizens of the world, we have "yet" to live in a world that is not "tempered" by the hand of war", why does the human cost of "war" have to be so high? Where are the peace talks?
4. Why do some countries get the "veto" and others do not? Why are all nations not considered equal and welcome at the table?
5. Is the United Nations a forum for the "United States" or is it a forum to teach "peace" and "nonviolent” solutions for all countries?
6. Is it more honorable to die on an oil field or a battle field? I just spent the last 15 years living in a region where it is illegal for me to "eat bacon, have a man in my house as a single woman, drink "beverages", I would have been put in jail if I was found to be with child and then deported, women just got the right to "drive". Democracy?
6. Where is democracy when a country is “charging VAT and not allowing citizens the right to vote for its leadership”? Who is making these rules for all to follow? Why does this type of governmental structure exist in the 21st century?
7. Does a free media exist when “government” and big technology controls access to who “utilizes” the “technology”? There is a difference between a freedom fighter and a suicide bomber depending on what side of the world you are residing and who is telling the news.
However, control of access to the free media is limiting the world on a global scale. It is not the right of any governing power or “company” to limit access to the media. There are two sides to every story. “Is it not ok for Snow White to live with the Seven Dwarfs? In some countries, this fairytale is banned from the “eyes” of children because “Snow White lives with “seven men”. What is acceptable to one culture is not acceptable to another but who should decide that information?
8. As a voice for the "scientists and people", what has happened to all of the "trade secrets" and education advancement of the "countries whose economies have been "extracted"?
Where is the “bank” for the "exchange"? Where is the library for all of the knowledge and history of the countries existence and books?
9. How much of the budgets are spent on programs of uplift? Education? Social welfare in comparison to what is given to the "International Monetary Fund /World Bank? Should all countries not be "developing their own economies first? Can all countries afford to sustain this business relationship model?
10. If the expectation is for all "citizens of the free world" to be "competitive" in the international "job market" how can the expectation be on education systems to evolve if new capital is not infused into education funding models?
11. How do educators teach equality to children when the system places labels on most every level of society classifying humanity into categories? Research has clearly demonstrated that there are “more ways to be smart than through the expression of one’s self through reading and writing.
We are “multiple intelligent”,with every human being requiring common “skills” and yet we are not developing them equally in our global education curriculum's. If we want our children to take responsibility of themselves and of their learning, shouldn’t we let them?
12. Is the definition of life success being 100% healthy and happy or getting 100% on a pencil and paper test score? Research demonstrates those who engage in daily stress management / emotional / mental health strategies experience up to a 40%+ plus decrease in daily healthcare costs. The science of mind cannot be ignored.
13. Should teachers have to monetarily compensate for the lack of funding in public education" out of their pockets so that "all the rest of society" can sit comfortably? Would you pay money out of pocket to do your job?
14. Is it wise for the world to be heading toward “digital currency economy” without a “secure block chain”? What happens if the power goes out at the push of a button in one country or another? How does a society “back up their resources” to show the bottom line at the bank, when it has been demonstrated, economies can be toppled for their resources and not “securely rebuilt”?
15. How is this government creating "new sources of revenue for its people" and "giving back" to society? How is society giving back to the greater community?
16. If the assets of the bank are "pegged to liquid currency", why do I as a "consumer" and tax paying citizen, need to bring "tangible" assets to secure funding from the bank?
17. Why do I have to pay three times over for services that are created from the use of the tax dollar when I already paid for it from the deduction from my paycheck?
18. Why is taxation an option from the crown? Why does the crown get to "determine" what is right or wrong when "the popular" vote is not a voice for all "citizens'?
19. In the publishing industry, why does "Amazon" have "duty free" access to Canada and then "make the Canadian consumer" pay for "import fees / duty", with "unreliable" shipping to rural communities through sub contracted DHL services? Amazon is not even utilizing our National Postal system for delivery. Perhaps a new NAFTA agreement is required.
20. The foreign policy of the United States impacts all people on the "planet". As a "Canadian" and "American educator", do we as educators accept that the American "educators" are going to have to take "arms" training to teach 2 + 2? I do not accept this for my profession.
What message are we sending as the"peace keeping nation" when posters of handguns are placed in environments demonstrating we don't dial 911. I do not believe that this is "tolerable" behavior as laid out by the standard set by the diplomacy of the 'Crown" and allies.
21. Do I not deserve to "drink clean water" and have "accessible technology" as a resident living in the rural community? What price do rural communities have to pay to have equal access resources”? “Is this class not open for enrollment to the “rural caste”?
22. Who owns the “water rights” to land within communities? Does the “crown own all the land? What happens when “borders” are moved without “treaties” being signed?
23. Why are senior’s paid so little in their "golden years' when they have paid into the system their entire lives?
24. What about the "single income earner"? Where are the "perks" for contribution to the economy?
25. Why do Canadian war veteran's, who have served the country, have to "struggle" for their basic needs in terms of treatment and retirement? Do the service industry people who took care of "all the people" not deserve for us to "take care of them"?
26. Do words teach, or do we learn through life experience? What is society doing to “contribute” each and every day back to the economies outside of taxation? Where is the “global exchange”? Who is doing all the work in the service industry?
27. What is the definition of a teacher and what is the definition of a parent? Lines of “exchange” and “job duties” have been crossed, should “sex and value education” have to be taught by “teachers” in the public education system? What are parents doing in terms of “parenting”?
28. Why isn’t a teaching or social services salary pegged to the value of what is produced on the oil field? What profession is holding “weight” in terms of monetary contribution to the “economic value” produced?
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