"Even miracles take a little time Cinderella". Walt Disney
As I gaze out into the sunshine, I bask in the pleasure and the beauty of the moment thinking..what is the "best thing that can happen to me today"?
The "feeling of freedom". The "feeling of peace". The feeling of "absolution". The spirit bear inside of my chest remains quiet.
The sun connects to the tip of my pen.
I realize, the pen is far mightier than the sword. In order for our societies to grow forward, we have only but one choice to embrace the new, building and evolving the old.
That is progress, we cannot fight it.
As much as we would like to stop time, mother nature jumps up and bites us in the "proverbial" backside, only then do we realize that parts of our bodies are heading in the general "southern direction", and that the cycle of life has moved from one stage to another. We can't stop it, we can only grow with the change or we can become stifled by the "smallness" of the container in which surrounds the root.

Viewing the world though the eyes from the perspective of a scientist examining the biology of one's belief. Do we live in a true democracy in the 21st century? What is democracy? What is equality? What is truth? What is veritas?
The answers to these questions vary depending on the book that you have picked up to read that formulated the basis of your belief system.
Human beings are "energy", everything else is a result of thought culture. What kind of cultures are being created in the 21st century?
There are common set of skills and "etiquette" that unite us as human beings. All communities operate around "culture". However, in any environment.
1. Observe first, speak last and listen to your intuition.
2. Maximize your resources.
3. Know your strengths and weaknesses...be willing to admit that you have them.
4. Humility is a sign of strength. Recognize when you need help.
5. Words can inspire greatness or expire.
6. The only way to truly teach others is to implement and do -
I see, I think, I reason, I feel, I apply
7. Assume - never make an ASS out of U and ME, ASSUME - If negative must be spoken, slip it in between 2 positives. If is must be voiced directly to an individual. Let it be behind closed doors. Your words have power, use them wisely.
8. A leader without a vision is a riderless horse. However, sometimes, not all those who are wander are lost. You can lead a human to knowledge, but you can't make them think or you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Recognize opportunity and recognize when it is time to let go.
9. Do not take for granted what is standing right in front of you. Demonstrate gratitude and appreciation.
10. Wisdom comes from life experience, for the most part, gained with "age". Work smarter, not harder! Every failure is both a blessing and a curse and has something to teach, providing you step back long enough to observe the situation and recognize "change is needed".