Bridging education past, present and future.
What do you stand for and where do values come from?
I have a voice, I matter and I belong here......picketing the closure of my community school in 1978. I was six....I don't remember a whole lot of lessons from my grade one class year. My school closed, I went to school in the community hockey rink.
Can free speech and free thought the foundations of all education systems be taught in societies that are not free?
There is a correlated story for each of the words ----behavior match...feeling the feeling...speak -think--feel...language...act...can we determine the positive / negative resonance of the frequency emission from the body?
E=ME2 - "A unified theory"....Thought / heart center energy creates the aura - same energy operating on the "chain"... What is the "frequency" of the vibe or tone?.."confidence vs cockiness...arrogance vs humble" "read by the energy / response / action of the environment"
SWOTS analysis -"Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats, Solutions.. - Note the problem - "create options"..."implement solutions"...."feel happy through creativity first"...then act../ envision peace in the mind / heart center..."unite"...while feeling "joy, love, appreciation, gratitude".... (31 questions presented to Legislature March 2018 - Question - Period
Survivor -Logic Model - Comparative Culture - "Political Social Science".... Qatar Learning Center School - 2001 - 1st picture year 1 - Qatar Foundation -- Arrival -- August 14, 2001 Enter passport control - stepping off the plane Bahrain - Qatar - "Unrest -- Sept 11, 2001 - Wars x4 - PTSD
Magical Capet ride of politics, culture, food, travel both positive and negative......2003 -- 2006 Michigan State - Masters - Arts Ed Admin - "Introduction to Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, - "Developing leadership capacity through emotional intelligence"...France - United Kingdom - Netherlands
Culture comparative analysis .."Do words teach or do we learn through life experience? ...."logic model"..getting out there "act / respect local / think / apply / global"....."ATV, peddle bike, tuk tuk, train, bus, taxi, air plane, "scooter".. 17 countries
"In my mind its a "Harley"..... Finding the commonality through the polarity...
...."How many ways can we say hello, Jambo, Sawadeeka, Bonjour,,, how many ways can we talk trash"? The polarity...360 culture assessment - "while you were judging others, left your closet door wide open and a bunch of skeletons fell out".... "Mind the gap..."trash...the bin"..meaning of language and cultural gestures"...."have patience"..."il dolce fernente"...Karak vs Nestle...the perfect cup of tea or coffee and the beauty of discussion..."Having some Irish Crack..."fun" opposed snorting lines. "crack"..cocaine..
Harvard 2012 - " institutional gold standard".. - - -Think Tank on Global Education - Kennedy -- Passport -l - Control....The Irish Dancer...."Gardening wearing gold"....."America is depressed"...VERITAS..."Truth" What does that mean" -VERITAS - TRUTH - What does that mean? Think Tank Submission - 2013 Leading Education Systems at the National Level - 2014
Washington monument - James Madison - "The declaration of independence". - Martin Luther King - Arlington Cemetery, Abraham Hicks - Boston - The Law of Attraction - "JFK newspaper" - original - "60's" paper - Man landing on the "Moon"...watching the black and white tv...Angusville School picketing the "closure"..- "print media" - "Billy Joel"...We didn't start the fire...
Fighter - 2016 - Leaving Qatar --..There is a difference between a suicide bomber and a freedom fighter....."To the children of Syria"....To those who have and to those who have not....when visiting pity city always remember...there is always someone who may have it worse "...."I once met a man who had no shoes and then I met a man who had no feet". Mahatma Gandhi
"to those who foolishly sought riding the back of the tiger...ended up inside"...JFK
Protector 2018 - Northern Hemisphere - Country - Regional "SWOTS" Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats, Solutions
What is honor and who decides? What are the pillars of democracy in the 21st century and who controls the right to free speech and free thought?
"Ground Zero - Survivor - October 2001 - Protector -- 2018
Every story has a beginning, middle and an end....not everything is always as it seems...but everything is always..most certainly interconnected...
What's your story? How do you express and create the culture that is you?