For every question, there is a solution. For every positive, there is a negative polarity. Do words teach or do we learn through life experience? How do we inspire greatness in others if at first we do not inspire and expect greatness of ourselves?
Emulating those who have earned the "grey stripe", sharing the ranks of "elder", there are common skills, attributes and qualities that determine success and development of innovative cultures.
While this day September 11, 2001 marks a significant moment in the history of the world, depending on where you were residing, this "axis of evil", "act of destruction", changed the resonance and synergy of the planet for "negative" for a number of years to come.
George Bush - "The Axis of Evil" Launch
What has transcended throughout the world as a result has been cultures of fear, hatred, weapons of mass destruction, religious intolerance, racial profiling, loss of free speech, free movement and a culture of above the law leadership with "elders", behaving like "scorned beasts", looking after their own self interests. As Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, we have "guided missiles but misguided men".
We must ask ourselves as free citizens of the world, can we continue to sustain this type of "global destruction"? What is honor? What does that mean as we move forward into the 21st century? Is it more honorable to die on an oil field or a battle field? What is honor when countries have been destroyed and not rebuilt?
What is honor when women do not have the right to control their own bodies or it takes the equivalent of two female voices to equal that of one man in a court of law? What is democracy when women just got the right to drive in a car from point a to b? What is equality when women provide the same service for less pay?
Treason doth never prosper wrote an English poet for what is the reason for war, what is it good for, who benefits? Can the world not find other more cost efficient ways to settle their differences and expand growth of their economies? Why can't our leaders have a speak off, play off, bake off, dance off or an arm wrestle?
What's the deal with democracy in the 21st century? Does democracy exist? Tribal democracy? Capitol ism democracy? What is equality and freedom? What is free speech and free thought when the media is controlled?
When airwaves are controlled this results in obstruction of a persons "airways" causing people to reach for "guns and bombs" for the world to hear their cries. The world will never know peace when it stares down the barrel of a gun.
In honor of those who have given their lives in service in fight of rights and freedoms on the battle field fighting for democracy, I salute you. To those who suffer from trauma or sickness in silence because of emotional and mental suffering, may you find comfort in knowing that your tears can both heal and tears can destroy.
Negative truth internalized, resonates through the body causing "sickness. Negative "energy" of the body is felt in the "t - zone" of the solar plexus must be released. Reach for a better feeling thought and emotion, feel the solution to reach absolution.
Shelley D. Chuchmuch