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The Vote - Debate the Issues - A Clean Fight - Counting Coup on Culture

Shelley D. Chuchmuch

This week was very monumental. For the first time in my life, I approached the ballot box. I ticked and flicked. What does that mean in the broader scheme of things? What does the power of the vote do? The act of checking a box to say, this is whom I choose to represent the best interests of my thought and broader community.

Can we be rest assured that our voice will be heard? Free thought, free speech, the right to free movement, exchange of dialogue and representation. Can the grass roots vote impact the "hierarchy of leadership culture at the top"?

Hind site is always 20 /20 and we have perfect vision when we look to the past. However, to begin the process again, we must remove societal labels and view one another as "people".

If you arrived here first, it is the expectation that we take care of community first. That means, everyone. The chief is not allowed to view children though the eyes of race, color, religion, country or diplomatic belief. The chief remains impartial. Negotiating the terms for the best interest of all.

I came home from a very long journey of self discovery. I went to the most powerful educational organization in the world, at least, I thought I did, to try to work together to create large scale positive educational change.

In the interests of education re-design, sustainable social enterprise and creating cultures of responsible thought. In this particular instance, I cannot accept,

the feeling of being "raped" by the institution for my thought.

I EXPECTED BETTER! I now use my "t-shirt" as worn in this picture to wipe away the residue of the past in hopes that this institution will "give credit" where credit is due!

When I get the credit, you will get the credit!

VERITAS, that is truth. In the words of John F. Kennedy, to those who foolishly sought power, by riding the back of the tiger, ended up inside!

In the culture of practice at play in any community, bottom line, if you kick me when I am down, you best pray that I don't get back up. I have a voice, I matter and I belong. How much is my life and my thought worth? What is the proper payment for services rendered? Do I need to call for additional "back up" to reach the solution?

There is an "elders circle" of care and influence in any society and every environment. In business this is also evident too. The most powerful organizations on the planet set the tone and standard for "exchange of knowledge".

Utilize that power for "good"....uniting the world as opposed to dividing. Societal decisions are coming down to the "bottom line" compromising cash for people.

If your money influences the outcomes on my land, you can bet, my thought is going to influence the outcomes on "your land".

The ball is in your court, I say, bring it on, let's dance. The world will never know peace, when it looks and stares down the barrel of a gun. Before we accuse innocence or guilt, perhaps having all of the cards on the table understanding what is at stake would be a great place to start.

In any equation, be sure to check that you have all the facts!

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