How does it all fit together? Have you ever thought about it?
The jinn needs to come out of the bottle.....It is time for this thought to leave my head and these feelings to leave me....
My quest has been fulfilled.
A New Year approaches....I have a voice and I matter and I belong.....
I am guilty and I am innocent..
Reflecting back on the positive and negative choices of past, I play Judas to my own Christ.
As the center of my own universe....can we re-write the past for a more fruitful and progressive future?
This is the point of history....
Setting the tone for humanity to learn....and not make the same mistakes.
What is time?
Is time relative?
How do we preserve thought in motion eternally?
Is it possible?
"YES"....that thought would be one big giant big bang for human kind.
CREATION...How does it all fit together?
Can the solution be found in one book?
The more questions that were asked, the more answers that came.
If we come into the world with a completely clean slate......
What happens to us as human beings to either taint or expand our perception of the beauty of what life should be like?
I called bullshit to the whole thing!
Although...perhaps I should dip my tongue in honey and say it a little more sweetly....
Why do some people experience a life of wonderful joy, peace and happiness and others can experience a life of sadness?
Do our lives have to be so complicated and full of drama and chaos?
Let's simplify......if we are all interconnected energy in the great circle of life......
What do you value and where do your values come from?
Risking succeed....if death is a destination that we all share, is it all over but the crying?
What happens when we meet our final maker?
As we graduate to begin the words of Steve Jobs, "do not let the sound of others opinions drown out the sound of your own inner voice, somehow, it already knows what you want to become, everything else is secondary".
Tomorrow, we awake to a brand new year.
I resolve to be...the best that I can be. I resolve to put myself first. I have a voice, I matter and I belong. I am an egg head that can't spell....does that mean I am not successful?
That is VERITAS..that is TRUTH....that is what my emotional t-zone tells tears healed me...and my tears destroyed me....I created my nightmares....and I created my version of heaven and hell....

A few tips....
Each and every day is a brand new opportunity and chance to begin anew.
Ask yourself....what is the best thing that can happen to me today?
Learn how to turn the negative into a positive recognizing that your emotions rule you....Let your emotions be your guide....
The universe will always answer yes....through the Law of Attraction.....your emotions rule.
Life is meant to be fun..and it is meant to be experienced......
Understand science of your own mind...define yourself and live your best life..
What ever that is for you....
Have fun...Rock on...
Tune into Joy....
Peace out.