Words and the power of the human tongue. Words once spoken can inspire or expire
environments. Sometimes, less is more.
For you to consider and reflect.....
Thriving vs Surviving
Class vs Caste
Genesis Band vs Genesis Book
Leaders with Servants vs Servant Leaders
Opium vs Opiates
Healers vs Dealers
Best vs Worst
You Rock vs You Suck
Equality vs Equity
Oil Field vs Battle Field
Elders or Seniors
Me, You, He, She, We, You, They, They
Singular, Plural, Masculine or Feminine,
Black vs White , Left vs Right
Human Rights Won Through Human Fights
Peace Cultures....
Debate Without hate....
How can I help? What do you need?
It's the 21st century, WHY can't we all just get along?
Let's have a Dance and Rock On....
Shelley D. Chuchmuch
An ABC-IQ Poet