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ABC-IQ POETS Workhsops

Literacy Skills / Mental and Emotional Health Strategies 

Arts Therapies

Resiliency / Trauama / Anger Management 

Class begins at 4:20 - the science of the plant.

Healers vs Dealers

Climate Change and Sustainable Communities

Growing for the Cure - Natural Health 


Evening workshops 

Through the arts, games or interactive technologies we will discuss cannabis / medical marijuana and its impact. 


Our social evening POETS clubs, support resiliency, mental and emotional health skills, natural health and wellness supporting with healing the body sustainbly. 



Advocates For the Cure Creating Sustainable Solutions


Design your crest, family emblum, tatoo, logo, or bring your creative project. Choose your artistic medium to "get into the zone".

ABC-IQ POETS Arts Therapies Evening Workshop

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