The structure of programs at ABC-IQ® are applied skill based learning with students demonstrating understanding of Mind Science across the disciplines.
ABC-IQ programs are designed to maximize the "networked 9", multiple intelligence education. How are you smart, how do you express the culture that is you?
This model includes Kindergarten, Private School Model, Policy and Procedures, Materials, Teacher Quality Standard, Assessment, Professional Development, K- 12 curriculum – (in development) programs accessible via technology.
NOTE: At this time - Organizations utilizing this framework to establish bricks and mortar education institutions must undergo dual accreditation through ABC-IQ and the respective Provincial Governments in Canada.
In House Assessment
Contact us for your in house assessment. Our team will work with leadership assessing the elements, influences and indicators of culture impacting outcomes in schools.
We work with governmental leaders on strategic planning and direction supporting with program implementation toward development of sustainable communities and economies.
Know The RED Lines
ABC-IQ Skills Model
Education For All Kinds of Minds
Just as a master artist intricately combines music, movement, and expression into a dance, schools must combine curriculum, facilities, programs and opportunities in a masterful way to create the most effective learning environment possible.
We are pleased to be able to offer Canada’s skill curriculum at all levels as the cornerstone to our program. International testing scores demonstrate that Canada’s learning system is one of the best in the world. Canada’s curriculum is designed to help students achieve their individual potential to create a positive future for themselves, their families and community.
Students will be required to demonstrate applied skills through technologies as well as write leaving exams which are set and marked by the Canadian Government. Students meeting graduation requirements will be awarded with a High School Diploma. This diploma is a symbol of excellence, which means that students have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required for post – secondary education at prestigious universities and other post – secondary institutions. This diploma is recognized worldwide.
ABC-IQ is a student centered school. We integrate activities based on the theory of multiple intelligences, developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard Graduate School of Education. The multiple intelligence theory suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, there are eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential. These intelligences are:
Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number / reasoning smart")
Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
Musical intelligence ("music smart")
Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self-smart")
Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
Our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. However, we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live.
ABC-IQ provides an applicable high standard of education that develops the whole student socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. The world is our classroom and we embrace global diversity, tolerance and understanding. We are committed to advocating for the best interests of students, families, staff and community.
“Education for all Kinds of Minds”
ABC-IQ aims to inspire learners to actively seek knowledge and understanding, think independently, reason critically and embrace challenge. We support students with self- awareness of our connection to others, development of responsibility of ourselves and of our communities. We aspire to create an environment that fosters independence, responsibility and life - long learning, preparing students for academic and life success in the 21st century and beyond.
ABC-IQ Outcomes
Students are expected to:
Read for information, understanding and enjoyment
Write and speak clearly, accurately and appropriately for the context
Use mathematics to solve problems in business, science and daily life situations
Understand the physical world, ecology and the diversity of life
Know the history and geography of global world and local community.
Utilize and apply technology into daily life
Understand local and international political, social and economic systems and how they relate in the global context
Respect cultural diversity and common values of people
Actively demonstrate desirable personal characteristics such as respect, responsibility, fairness, loyalty, honesty, integrity, ethics, compassion and empathy
Actively support and engage in community utilization and development
Demonstrate commitment to democratic ideals
Demonstrate understanding and application of group and individual thinking skills
Recognize the importance of personal well -being, the power of positive / negative emotion and how this impacts our daily lives and social situations
Know and apply the requirements of an active, healthy lifestyle.
Understand and appreciate literature, the arts and the creative process.
Research an issue thoroughly and evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources
Demonstrate, desire and realize the need for lifelong learning
Develop and apply social and emotional intelligence skills
Demonstrate individual responsibility for learning and behaviour.
Acquire a clear understanding of how community values relate to personal values and how these relate to the broader context.
ABC-IQ Skills
Program Overview
Smart Ville -- Early Childhood Age 3, 4 and 5 Exploratory Play I AM ME Self Skills
The Early Childhood program is an organized, exploratory, play based - multi sensory program which focuses on developing:
Linguistic intelligence (words / language)
Logical-mathematical intelligence (number / reasoning )
Spatial intelligence (picture)
Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence (body / physical movement)
Musical intelligence (music)
Interpersonal intelligence (people)
Intrapersonal intelligence (self)
Naturalist intelligence (nature / environment / broader community)
Elementary School
Grade Kindergarten – Grade 6 – I AM ME MI – Mental Emotional SELF Skills Portfolios
The Elementary program is a continuation of the Early Childhood program. The program continues to develop the multiple intelligences in a more structured learning environment.
Our elementary program focuses on the development of:
Listening, reading, writing and speaking skills with a stronger emphasis on comprehension and literacy.
Language development
Multi - sensory learning experiences integrating technology.
Community awareness
Social intelligence / developing group and individual thinking and responsibility skills.
Emotional intelligence / understanding emotions, conflict resolution, compassion and empathy
Research, inquiry, numeracy, problem solving and deductive reasoning skills
Physical activity, health and wellness
Exploratory learning, creativity and self- reflection (ME Self Skills)
Middle School Grade 7, 8, 9
In the Middle School program, emphasis is placed on developing leadership, ethics, self -care, conflict resolution, community and international awareness.
Continual development of:
Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
Responsibility, moral education, individual and group thinking skills
Community and world awareness
Social and Emotional Intelligence skill development
Language Literacy Skills Development
Incorporation of technology, self -care, health, wellness, debate, student council, public speaking and charity, community based programs, Jr. Chief and Council, Model United Nations,
Stronger emphasis on research, project development and presentations, inquiry and debate
Exploratory learning, creativity and self - reflection
Physical Activity / Health Sciences Applied
Home Economics, / Life Skills / Cooking / Sewing, Metals / Woods Shop / Industrial Arts
High School Grade 10, 11 and 12
Emphasis is placed on developing leadership and community, ethics, self- care, career preparation and international awareness.
Student centered activities such as student council, yearbook, cafeteria committee, charity, social events, reporters, student, parent, teacher association, athletics, Grade 12 graduation and travel club
Career and life management, integrating local community business into learning
Physical activity, health and wellness
Continuation of the development of local and international awareness, leadership, social and emotional intelligence skills, negotiation, research and inquiry, business skills, group and individual thinking skills.
Courses offered in Natural Resources, Oil and Gas, Business Service, Office Services, Sales and Service, Logistics and Work Place Readiness.